Recommend a Friend - and earn £50!

We are lucky to have many great account customers here at United Fixings, it means the world to us when a new customer tells us that an existing one has recommended our services! It tells us that we must be doing something right, and we want to reward your loyalty and kind recommendations. 

You can now get rewarded for recommending our products and services to new customers, and earn £50 to spend on our website for EVERY new account that signs up following your recommendation! 

How it works

When a new customer applies to have an account at United Fixings they have to complete an application form - this application form now has a section (Section 3) that gives the new customer the opportunity to advise us if someone has recommended us to them. If they complete this section and include your name / business name, you will qualify for this promotion. 

Once the new customer spends £1,000 + VAT, we will credit you with a £50 voucher to use for ANYTHING on our website. 

The best part? 

You can do this as many times as you want! If you recommend 10 new customers and each of them spends at least £1,000 with us, you will earn £500 worth of vouchers for our online store - £50 for each qualifying account! 


So spread the word, and tell your friends and site colleagues to request an account form from us, and start earning! 

You can request a New Customer Account Form here